2024 12月 水曜日 25
カトリックやプロテスタント : ヨーロッパの先史時代から、お祭り(たき火、オフリング)は、火と儀式でより長い日照時間の始まりをマークしていました。サトゥルナリアのローマの祭りは12月に数日間続きました(ギャンブルと供物)。 ナザレのイエスはおそらく春に生まれました。しかし、4世紀には、12月25日が教皇ユリウス1世によって彼の誕生を祝うために選ばれました。このように、キリスト教の要素は、古くからある真冬の祭りに導入されました。
2024 12月 土曜日 28
学校の休み :
クリスマス休暇 (終了)
2025 1月 金曜日 3
学校の休み : Http://bomis.in number of instructional days: 200 (classes 1-5) and 220 (classes 6-8
We carry confirmed dates till July 2025; but in 2024, The pro-Muslim Nitish-Tejashwi government has abolished holidays for many holy Hindu festivals from schools
2025 1月 月曜日 6
シーク教 :
2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com
2025 2月 日曜日 2
仏教(仏教の勝利) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring.
On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love.
On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.
2025 2月 水曜日 26
銀行は閉まっている :
2025 2月 水曜日 26
ヒンズー教 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.
2025 3月 月曜日 3
文化 : The day Krishna defeated Indra
中期休暇 (始め)
2025 3月 水曜日 12
学校の休み :
2025 3月 木曜日 13
文化 :
預言者の記念日 (2 日目)
2025 3月 金曜日 14
ヒンズー教 : Hindu spring festival dedicated to the god of pleasure. It is observed in a colorful and boisterous manner. People shower each other with colored water and smear red and green powder on each other,
中期的な休日 (終わり)
2025 3月 月曜日 17
学校の休み :
2025 3月 土曜日 22
世俗的な休日 : Bihar was carved out from Bengal March 22, 1912
ラマダンの休日 (初め)
2025 3月 金曜日 28
学校の休み :
ラマダンの終わり (この日の前後に変わる場合もあります)
2025 3月 月曜日 31
イスラム教 : Ends the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There were 30 days of strict fasting from sunup to sundown in honor of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed. In India, except in Arunachal Pradesh.