
3ヶ月間の世界の休校日、証券取引所、銀行、管理課の休業日、および祝日カレンダー Friday, 1月 26, 2024

2024 1月 金曜日 26linkウガンダ証券取引所Õþ¸®Ó›ÄîÈÕ
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkドイツ電車のストライキ
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkツバル議会選挙
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkインド国立証券取引所共和国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkウガンダ政府の記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア証券取引所オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkボンベイ証券取引所共和国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオマーンマラソ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ン
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア証券取引所オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkクリスマス島オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkスウェーデンヨーテボリ国際映画祭
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (タスマニア)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkココス諸島オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (西オーストラリア)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (ノーザン・テリトリー)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (ビクトリア)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (南オーストラリア)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (ニューサウスウェールズ州)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア (クイーンズランド)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkノーフォーク島オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリア(法)オーストラリア建国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkカルカッタ証券取引所共和国記念日
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2024 1月 金曜日 26linkオーストラリアオーストラリア建国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ラダック)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド(テランガーナ州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド(ダドラ&ナガルアベリ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド(ダマン&ディウ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド(ミゾラム)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド(シッキム)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (チャッティースガル州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (アルナチャル・パラデシュ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (アンダマン・ニコバル諸島)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (メガラヤ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (トリプラ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ナーガーランド)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド乾いた日(アルコールなし)
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ジャムカシミール)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (カルナタカ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ポンディチェリ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (デリー)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (オリッサ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (マニプール)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ハリヤナ州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ウッタルプラデシ州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ヒマチャルプラデシュ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ラジャスタン)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (西ベンガル州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (マハーラーシュトラ州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (タミルナードゥ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ケララ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (パンジャブ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ゴア)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (マドヤプラデシュ)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ビハール州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (グジャラート州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (アンドラプラデシュ州)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (チャンディーガル)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ウッタランチャル)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (アッサム)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド (ジャルカンド)共和国記念日
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2025 1月 日曜日 26linkインド共和国記念日
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Õþ¸®Ó›ÄîÈÕ - ウガンダ証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 :

電車のストライキ - ドイツ

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 :

議会選挙 - ツバル

2024 1月 金曜日 26
特別イベント :

共和国記念日 - インド国立証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 : Www.bseindia.com dates confirmed till Dec 2024

政府の記念日 - ウガンダ

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 :

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 :

共和国記念日 - ボンベイ証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 : Www.bseindia.com dates confirmed till Dec 2024

マラソ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ン - オマーン

2024 1月 金曜日 26
スポーツイベント : Https://muscatmarathon.om/ 2024 edition confirmed

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 :

オーストラリア建国記念日 - クリスマス島

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

ヨーテボリ国際映画祭 - スウェーデン

2024 1月 金曜日 26
文化 : Https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/ in Geborg 2024 edition confirmed

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (タスマニア)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - ココス諸島

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (西オーストラリア)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (ノーザン・テリトリー)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (ビクトリア)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (南オーストラリア)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (ニューサウスウェールズ州)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア (クイーンズランド)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - ノーフォーク島

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア(法)

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

共和国記念日 - カルカッタ証券取引所

2024 1月 金曜日 26
金融機関 :

オーストラリア建国記念日 - オーストラリア

2024 1月 金曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : 1788年にアーサー・フィリップ提督が率いたイギリス人の最初の移住を祝う日。

共和国記念日 - インド (ラダック)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド(テランガーナ州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド(ダドラ&ナガルアベリ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド(ダマン&ディウ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド(ミゾラム)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド(シッキム)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (チャッティースガル州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (アルナチャル・パラデシュ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (アンダマン・ニコバル諸島)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (メガラヤ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (トリプラ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ナーガーランド)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

乾いた日(アルコールなし) - インド

2025 1月 日曜日 26
特別イベント :

共和国記念日 - インド (ジャムカシミール)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (カルナタカ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ポンディチェリ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (デリー)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (オリッサ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (マニプール)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ハリヤナ州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ウッタルプラデシ州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ヒマチャルプラデシュ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ラジャスタン)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (西ベンガル州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (マハーラーシュトラ州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (タミルナードゥ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ケララ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (パンジャブ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ゴア)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (マドヤプラデシュ)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ビハール州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (グジャラート州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (アンドラプラデシュ州)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (チャンディーガル)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ウッタランチャル)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (アッサム)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド (ジャルカンド)

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com

共和国記念日 - インド

2025 1月 日曜日 26
世俗的な休日 : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day. www.indiaa2z.com